Theme: Pathology:Where healing, teaching & discovery come together

Pathology Meet 2020

Pathology Meet 2020

Track 1: Anatomical Pathology

Anatomical pathology is the major field of pathology that deals with the study of the morphologic characteristics of disease. Functional Pathology concerns with the analysis of tissue and organ based macro or microscopic testing. The most recent analysis undergoes from the following topics like advanced biosafety practices, Radiofrequency identification & specimen tracking, Anatomical pathology of sexually transmitted diseases and Multi-model anatomical pathology.  Anatomic pathology is a therapeutic subject that is concerned with the analysis of disease based on the microscopic, macroscopic, biochemical, immunologic and molecular examination of organs and tissues.

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Track 2: Breast Pathology

Breast cancer occurs in breast tissue, most commonly in the cells that line the milk ducts of the breast. When cells of breast activate to grow out of control it leads to tumor. It mainly affects women but similarly occur in men. Tumor that develops from breast cells is known as Breast Cancer. In females universally breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer. Tumor formed by these cells can be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. When tumor cells develop into surrounding tissues and spread to distant parts of the body it become malignant. Most of the time the ducts which carry milk to nipple act as site for breast cancer. It may also start from the glands that produce breast milk. Sarcomas and lymphomas are not really considered as breast cancer.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track 3:Cytopathology

Cytopathology is the process of screening routine exfoliative & FNA cases and includes actual glass slide screening, discussion on cytomorphology and diagnostic issues in cytopathology of various anatomical sites. Cytopathology is the study of cells shed in bodily fluids or obtained through scraping. A smear detects cancer and other types of infections. The cells are taken by swabbing the cervix, and are then processed and examined under a microscope to identify abnormalities.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track 4: Dermatopathology

Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of dermatology and pathology that comprises the investigation of skin disease at the infinitesimal level. Dermatopathology additionally encloses investigations of the potential reasons for skin diseases. Pathology at an essential level. Skin biopsy is taken to get a final conclusion and inspected under the magnifying lens or subject to other atomic tests. Pathology Conference 2020 That procedure reveals the histology of the infection and diseases results in a particular demonstrative understanding. Forensic pathology conferences.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track: 5 Diagnostic Pathology 

Diagnostic pathology is a therapeutic strength focus consequence of infection in view of analysis of cells and tissues. Revealing pathology meetings  is a term used to represent a wide variety of tests general; it refers to taking a glance at tissues gathered from your body under magnifying lens with a specific end goal to study or prevent illness or as specialists. In this sense, it may be utilized to depict taking a glimpse at the cells of the cervix after a Pap spread to check for proof of contamination or disease. It may equally utilize to depict taking a gander at an example of skin tissue gathered on a conferences biopsy to check for proof of skin malignancy.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020


Track 6:Digital Pathology Application

Exploring on new applications in diagnostic surgical pathology practice Digital pathology is entitled by virtual microscopy. Application of converting glass slides into digital slides that can be managed, viewed, shared, and analysed in computer. By the Whole-Slide Imaging, this specialisation has exploded and is currently regarded as one of the most promising pathway of diagnostic medicine in order to achieve even better and cheaper diagnosis, faster and prediction of cancer and other diseases.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track 7:Gastrointestinal Pathology

Gastrointestinal pathology is the subfield of surgical pathology which oversee the conclusion and portrayal of neoplastic and non-neoplastic illnesses of the GIT. Diagnostic evaluation of surgical and biopsy pathology of gastrointestinal tissue

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Track 8: Histopathology

The research of cell variations from the sickness forms in human tissues through the utilization of different histopathological methods. This conference mainly focuses on the basic changes that happen in tissues, cells and organs when presented to harmful shock. Histopathologists focus at biopsies and larger bits of tissue to help in the analysis and therapeutic care of patients. The tissue must be prepared to authorize sufficiently thin cuts of the tissue to be sliced to examine under a magnifying lens. It is additionally personally included in the research of tumours and in determining their organic conduct i.e. recognizing generous from dangerous (tumour) dialect, gulping, voice, and subjective correspondence disabilities

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020


Track 9: Immunopathology

Immunopathology conferences is the study of diseases having an immunologic or adverse susceptible premise. It is the thing that patients encounter when they combat a contamination. Resistant outline has two lines of barrier: inborn invulnerability and versatile insusceptibility. Manifestations of immunopathology conferences are exceptional to a patient and can include: muscle shortcoming, photosensitivity, weariness, rash,  migraine, ringing in the ears, torment anyplace, deadness, sinus clog,  queasiness, and looseness of the bowels, , toothache, nasal stuffiness, and influenza like body ache, hack, crabbiness, stoppage, sorrow, rest unsettling influences, fever/chills,  and "cerebrum mist"   

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track 10: Laboratory medicine

The Sector of Laboratory Medicine conferences  providing leading edge clinical care, biomedical research, and broad education in our field. The branch of medications amid which examples of tissue, liquid inspected outside of the individual, for the most part inside the lab. This study incorporating a wide range of medical fields and biological science research departments which includes different plant pathology and veterinary pathology or more individually it is to describe work within the contemporary medical field of "general pathology," which includes the diagnose of any disease broadly through analysis of  cell, tissue, and body fluid samples. The medico practicing pathology is called a pathologist.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020


Track 11: Microbial pathology and infectious diseases

Microbial pathology is the investigation of the molecular processes utilized by microbes to cause sickness in humans & animals. Bacterial, plant, infectious agent pathogens, protozoan have developed a good type of tools to find out themselves inside the host and gain supplements that conjointly cause damage and sickness.

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Track 12: Neuropathology

Exploring in sickness of sensory system tissue, entire body post-mortems or surgical biopsies. The tissue is analysed microscopically for indications of sickness and different dementias, vascular infection, neoplasms, formative variations or fiery procedures from the norm. Neuropathologist’s  experts to different clinicians who are included in the treatment of patients with Glioblastoma multiforme, contaminations, neuromuscular clutters and degenerative sicknesses. The work of the neuropathology encompass to a great extent of analysing biopsy tissue from the brain and spinal rope to help in conclusion of infection.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track 13: Oncopathology

The word Cancer specifies almost 200 unique diseases, which are developing and multiplying rapidly. Typically, cells grow gap to create more cells just when the body needs them.  Some of the time cells continue separating when new cells are not required. These added cells may shape a mass of tissue, called a growth or tumour. A tumour might be generous non-harmful or carcinogenic. Unlike to normal cells, cancerous cells proliferate with no control. They don't self-destruct or die when they get to be exhausted or affected. They can similarly attack surrounding tissue or spread too far off ranges of the body to make new Tumours, a procedure called metastasis.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020


Track 14: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Oral Pathology and maxillofacial pathology suggest to the diseases of the jaws, mouth and related structures, for example, temporomandibular joints, salivary organs facial muscles and Pathology Congress 2020 perioral skin (the skin around the mouth). It Comprises of Microscopic study of biopsy examples, Oral growths, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, injuries and surgery in paediatric patients and recreation of maxillofacial deformities. The Division of Oral and Histopathology conferences and Radiology cover the zones of oral determination, oral radiology and oral pathology

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020


Track 15: Pulmonary Pathology

Pulmonary Pathology is a lung tissue to assess presence of disease and assist in therapeutic interventions as clinically indicated. The identification of inflammatory or fibrotic diseases of the lungs is considered by many pathologists to be particularly challenging. Pathologists on the administration use, immunohistochemistry, molecular science and ultra-structural procedures in their demonstrative workups. Pulmonary Pathology diseases cover a diverse range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic disorders that continue to pose challenges to pathologists on a daily basis. Diagnostic specimens are often obtained via bronchoscopic Tran’s bronchial biopsy video-assisted thoracic surgery or CT-guided percutaneous biopsy.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020


Track 16: Radiation Pathology

The pathology of ionizing radiation as defined by morphologic patterns. The common stromal lesions--the best recognized by pathologists--include fibrinous exudates, fibrosis, necrosis (with a paucity of cellular inflammatory exudates), and atypical fibroblasts.

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Track 17: Surgical pathology  

Surgical pathology conference is the research of tissues ejected from living patients amid surgery to examine a disease and decide a treatment arrange. Surgical pathology conference 2020 includes unrefined and minute examination of surgical examples. Additionally biopsies put together by experts and non-specialists, for example, general internists, interventional radiologists, dermatologists, therapeutic subspecialists and interventional radiologists. Summit is in charge of the histological research of surgeries and surgical resections of real organ frameworks. 

digital pathology| Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathology Conference  | | Surgical Pathology | Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference Pathology meeting | Histopathology Conference |Pathologyconference2020| Anatomic Pathology Conference | Pathology Gathering | Surgical Pathology Meeting Pathology Gathering Clinical Pathology Conference | Pathology Congress| Surgical Pathology Congress | Experimental Pathology Conference | Pathology Summit Cytopathology Congress | Surgical Pathology Summit Digital Pathology Conference Pathologyconference2020Speech Pathology Congress Immunopathology Meeting | Cancer Conference Oncopathology Congressasiapathology2020

Digital Pathology Market worth $1,351.4 million by 2027

The Digital Pathology Market is expected to reach USD 1,351.4 million by 2027 from USD 423.09 million in 2017, at a CAGR of 12.3% during the forecast period. The global digital pathology market is projected to be valued at $383.9 Million in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2017 to reach to $756.1 Million by 2022. Growth in the overall digital pathology market is mainly driven by factors such as the growing applications of digital pathology in drug development and companion diagnostics, ease of consultation, increasing adoption of digital pathology to enhance lab efficiency, rising prevalence of cancer, and increasing initiatives by governments and industry players. Base year considered for the report is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017–2022.

  • Digital pathology equipment manufacturers
  • Suppliers and distributors of digital pathology equipment
  • Medical research institutes
  • Vendors/service providers 


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Conference Date October 19-20, 2020
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