Call for Abstract

17th World Congress on Pathology, will be organized around the theme “Latest advancements in pathology research”

Pathology meet 2020 is comprised of 20 tracks and 116 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pathology meet 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pathology is the study of disease. It is the bridge between science and medicine. It underpins every aspect of patient care, from diagnostic testing and treatment advice to using cutting-edge genetic technologies and preventing disease. Pathology is a branch of medical science that involves the study and diagnosis of disease through the examination of surgically removed organs, tissues (biopsy samples), bodily fluids, and in some cases the whole body (autopsy)

  • Track 1-1Genetics
  • Track 1-2General Molecular Pathology
  • Track 1-3Clinical Pathology
  • Track 1-4Anatomical Pathology
  • Track 1-5Chemical Pathology

Immunopathology is a branch of medicine that deals with immune responses associated with disease. It includes the study of the pathology of an organism, organ system, or disease with respect to the immune system, immunity, and immune responses. Damage caused to an organism by its own immune response, as a result of an infection. It could be due to mismatch between pathogen and host species, and often occurs when an animal pathogen infects a human.

  • Track 2-1Immunology
  • Track 2-2Autoimmune Serology
  • Track 2-3Antigen-Antibody Reactions
  • Track 2-4Immunoassay
  • Track 2-5Immunohistochemistry

Clinical pathology covers many lab functions. It is concerned with disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Clinical pathologists are healthcare providers with special training. They often direct all of the special divisions of the lab. Clinical pathology supports the diagnosis of disease using laboratory testing of blood and other bodily fluids, tissues, and microscopic evaluation of individual cells.

  • Track 3-1Blood bank
  • Track 3-2Clinical chemistry and biology
  • Track 3-3Toxicology
  • Track 3-4Hematology
  • Track 3-5Immunology and serology
  • Track 3-6Microbiology

Histopathology is the research of cell variations from the norm and sickness forms in human tissues through the utilization of different histopathological methods. Histopathology concentrates on the basic changes that happen in cells, tissues and organs when presented to harmful jolts.

  • Track 4-1Clinical & Molecular Cytopathology
  • Track 4-2Aspiration cytology
  • Track 4-3Intervention cytology
  • Track 4-4Cancer Cytopathology
  • Track 4-5Diagnostic Cytopathology
  • Track 4-6Exfoliative Cytopathology
  • Track 4-7Molecular Histopathology
  • Track 4-8Forensic Histopathology
  • Track 4-9Histopalaeopathology
  • Track 4-10Palaeopathology

Anatomical pathology is the branch of medicine that studies the impact of illness on the structure of body organs, each as an entire and microscopically. The first role of anatomical pathology is to spot abnormalities that may facilitate to diagnose illness and manage treatment. Though one in every of the frequent uses of anatomical pathology is to assist determine and manage varied styles of tumors or cancers, it's additionally valuable in evaluating alternative conditions, as well as excretory organ and liver diseases, reaction disorders, and infections. In fact, in most hospitals, all tissue removed throughout surgery should be examined by a diagnostician.

  • Track 5-1Autopsy
  • Track 5-2Specimen information
  • Track 5-3Diagnosis
  • Track 5-4Microscopic findings
  • Track 5-5Surgical pathology
  • Track 5-6Cytogenetics
  • Track 5-7Molecular pathology
  • Track 5-8Flow immunophenotyping

Renal pathology is a subspecialty of anatomic pathology that deals with the diagnosis and characterization of medical diseases (non-tumor) of the kidneys. In the academic setting, renal pathologists work closely with nephrologists and transplant surgeons, who typically obtain diagnostic specimens via percutaneous renal biopsy.

  • Track 6-1Nephrocytosis
  • Track 6-2Transplanted surgeries
  • Track 6-3Renal vein thrombosis
  • Track 6-4Acute renal infarction
  • Track 6-5Massive renal infarction
  • Track 6-6Hypogranulosis
  • Track 6-7Regular acanthosis
  • Track 6-8Hyperkeratosis
  • Track 6-9Perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate
  • Track 6-10Neutrophils in stratum corneum and squamous cell layer

Hematopathology or hemopathology is the study of diseases and disorders affecting blood cells, their production, and any organs and tissues involved in hematopoiesis, such as bone marrow, the spleen, and the thymus. Diagnoses and treatment of diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma often deal with hematopathology; techniques and technologies include flow cytometry studies and immunohistochemistry

  • Track 7-1Haematopoiesis
  • Track 7-2Immunohistochemistry
  • Track 7-3Bone marrow, Spleen, Liver
  • Track 7-4Blood (Venous blood, Venepuncture, haematopoiesis, Blood tests, Cord blood)
  • Track 7-5Blood transfusion (Blood plasma, Blood bank, Blood donors, Blood groups)

Forensic pathology is the branch of pathology that focuses on deciding the explanation for death by examining the remains. A post mortem is performed by a medical expert, typically throughout the investigation of legal code cases and civil law cases in some jurisdictions. Coroners and doctors also are commonly asked to verify the identity of the remains. Microbial forensics may well be a discipline that goes to try and do truthful play to the criminals and terrorists who use biological material to cause damage. The ineligible use of biological agents causes tidy hurt to the folks, public health, surroundings, the economies, and world peace. Due to these harms and causes, creating awareness of capability in microbial forensics can facilitate us to form perceive that what may need eventuated throughout a bio-threat event, and international collaborations that capture the broader scientific and social control communities area unit probable to fortify the microbial forensic capabilities.

  • Track 8-1Toxicology
  • Track 8-2Firearms
  • Track 8-3Ballistics
  • Track 8-4Trace evidence
  • Track 8-5Serology
  • Track 8-6DNA technology

Surgical pathology is the study of tissues removed from living patients during surgery to help diagnose a disease and determine a treatment plan. Surgical pathology includes both the physical exam of the tissue with the naked eye, as well as examining processed tissue under a microscope. Surgical pathology involves gross and microscopic examination of surgical specimens, furthermore as biopsies submitted by surgeons and non-surgeons like general internists, medical subspecialists, dermatologists, and interventional radiologists

  • Track 9-1Clinical pathology
  • Track 9-2Clinical trials
  • Track 9-3Surgical resections
  • Track 9-4Bone pathology
  • Track 9-5Endocrine pathology
  • Track 9-6Soft tissue pathology
  • Track 9-7Head and Neck Pathology
  • Track 9-8Radiology
  • Track 9-9Ophthalmic pathology
  • Track 9-10Gynaecologic pathology
  • Track 9-11Renal pathology

Many human infections are caused by either bacteria or viruses. Bacteria can be beneficial – for instance, gut bacteria help us to digest food – but some are responsible for a range of infections. These disease-causing varieties are called pathogenic bacteria. Many bacterial infections can be treated successfully with appropriate antibiotics, although antibiotic-resistant strains are beginning to emerge. Immunisation is available to prevent many important bacterial diseases. 

  • Track 10-1Cellulitis
  • Track 10-2Boils
  • Track 10-3Folliculitis
  • Track 10-4Gonorrhoea

Viral infections are hard to treat because viruses live inside the body cells. They are protected from medicines, which usually move through bloodstream. Antibiotics do not work for viral infections. There are a few antiviral medicines available. Vaccines can help prevent you from getting many viral diseases. Viruses are capsular with genetic material inside .They are tiny, much smaller than bacteria .Viruses cause familiar infectious disease such as the common cold flu and warts. They also cause severe illness such as HIV, smallpox and haemorrhagic fever

  • Track 11-1Common cold
  • Track 11-2Pneumonia
  • Track 11-3Skin infections
  • Track 11-4Pancreatitis
  • Track 11-5Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Pulmonary pathology is the subspecialty of surgical pathology which deals with the diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lungs and thoracic pleura. Diagnostic specimens are often obtained via bronchoscopic, transbronchial biopsy, CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, or video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS).

  • Track 12-1Neoplastic diseases
  • Track 12-2Non-neoplastic diseases
  • Track 12-3Auscultation
  • Track 12-4Percussion
  • Track 12-5Pathophysiology
  • Track 12-6Tuberculosis
  • Track 12-7Bronchiectasis

Digital pathology incorporates the acquisition, management, sharing and interpretation of pathology information — including slides and data — in a digital environment. Digital slides are created when glass slides are captured with a scanning device, to provide a high-resolution digital image that can be viewed on a computer screen or mobile device.

  • Track 13-1Diagnostic tests
  • Track 13-2Virtual microscopy
  • Track 13-3Tele-pathology

Neuropathology is the study of disease of nervous system tissue, usually in the form of either small surgical biopsies or whole-body autopsies. Neuropathologists usually work in a department of anatomic pathology, but work closely with the clinical disciplines of neurology, and neurosurgery, which often depend on neuropathology for a diagnosis. Neuropathology also relates to forensic pathology because brain disease or brain injury can be related to cause of death. Neuropathology should not be confused with neuropathy, which refers to disorders of the nerves themselves

Psychopathology is a term which refers to either the study of mental illness or mental distress or the manifestation of behaviours and experiences which may be indicative of mental illness or psychological impairment.


  • Track 14-1Neuro Surgery
  • Track 14-2Neuropathy
  • Track 14-3Mental Disorders
  • Track 14-4Psychology
  • Track 14-5Mental Distress
  • Track 14-6Psychological Impairment
  • Track 14-7Schizophrenia

Mycobacterial diseases are the bacterial diseases, caused by the member of Actinobaceria family. These mycobacterial diseases include tuberculosis, leprosy, Mycobacteria ulcer and Mycobacterium para tuberculosis. Symptoms of diseases are fever, weight loss and fatigue. Few mycobacterial diseases are treated with antibiotics drugs like rifampin, ethambutol and isoniazid

  • Track 15-1Antimycobacterial therapy
  • Track 15-2Weight loss
  • Track 15-3Coughing up blood or mucus
  • Track 15-4Weakness or fatigue
  • Track 15-5Fever and chills
  • Track 15-6Night sweats
  • Track 15-7Lack of appetite and weight loss

Fungal infections are common throughout much of the natural world. In humans, fungal infections occur when an invading fungus takes over an area of the body and is too much for the immune system to handle. Fungal infection in skin looks like a rash. Ringworm is a skin infection which is caused by fungus. Fungal meningitis is less common but can be life-threatening. Fungal infections in the lungs are a serious kind of infection. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses, such as the flu or tuberculosis.  Fungal nail infections can happen to people of any age but it is more common in older people. The symptoms are thickening, distorted shape.

  • Track 16-1Some eye infections
  • Track 16-2Vally fever
  • Track 16-3Related Conference of Fungal Infections
  • Track 16-4Athlete foot

Oral Pathology and maxillofacial pathology alludes to the sicknesses of the mouth, jaws and related structures, for example, salivary organs, temporomandibular joints, facial muscles and perioral skin. It Comprises of Microscopic research of biopsy examples, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Oral growths, injuries and surgery in paediatric patients and recreation of maxillofacial deformities.

  • Track 17-1Oral and maxillofacial biopsies
  • Track 17-2Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Track 17-3Oral cancer
  • Track 17-4Oral and maxillofacial lesions in paediatric patients
  • Track 17-5Reconstruction of maxillofacial defects
  • Track 17-6Oral and maxillofacial surgery in paediatric patients

Molecular pathological epidemiology (MPE) is an integrative field that utilizes molecular pathology to incorporate interpersonal heterogeneity of a disease process into epidemiology. In each individual, the development and progression of a disease are determined by a unique combination of exogenous and endogenous factors, resulting in different molecular and pathological subtypes of the disease

The gastrointestinal tract is a major part of the digestive system, and its health is vital to our overall wellbeing. Changes in digestive habits, such as blood in the stool or pain in the stomach, may indicate a disease or infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dermatopathology is a sub specialty of dermatology and pathology that contains the investigation of skin malady at the infinitesimal level. Dermatopathology additionally envelops examinations of the potential reasons for skin sicknesses at a fundamental level. Skin biopsy is taken to get a definitive determination and inspected under the magnifying lens or subject to other atomic tests. That procedure uncovers the histology of the illness and results in a particular demonstrative understanding

  • Track 20-1Molluscum contagiosum
  • Track 20-2Advanced molecular testing
  • Track 20-3Dermatopathology diagnosis
  • Track 20-4Skin Histopathology
  • Track 20-5Dermatopathology in forensic autopsy
  • Track 20-6Neoplastic & inflammatory diseases
  • Track 20-7Merkel cell carcinoma